First “new” blog post


For several years I have felt that I needed to begin to write again and share on occasion the words God is speaking to me or even the experiences I am growing in so that others can gain from them too. On the other side, I ask and wonder who will read this? Maybe even more important, why would anyone read my content instead of so many others who I am certain are writing and sharing better content. This is not an attempt to be humble but a real question. Honestly, this is as much or more about managing my time and being as productive as I can in my time to do what I need to do and feel I should do. This has been the primary reason I have been waiting for several years and specifically over the last two years to start this site.

Then it was all the technical questions. What name do I use? My name? My mission (Making an Impact)? Something cool or awesome? So depending on when you read this I decided on starting this with my name (surely that will not change!). I have done blogs and sites before but setting one up to look good takes time, I really did not want to waste time on setting it up and making it look good for nobody to read it.

So, to answer some of the above questions for you and me, Why do this? I honestly cannot tell you the full answer as I do not know it either. I just know again and again I have felt I should do this. I hope to share some quick devotional type thoughts as I read the Word and pray. On occasion, I have had things as a leader that I have learned or am learning in the context of my church organization that may or may not be different than others. I am going to try to organize a variety of ideas and thoughts that make it easy for anyone to look at what they may be interested in reading. In time, I am going to try to begin to do some by video (if I can get myself comfortable with it).

I hope that in some way this will bless you. In the end, I am certain that I will be blessed more as I writing my thoughts I will gain and grow from them myself.

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