What does the Pandemic teach us?


There are many lessons this pandemic has taught us. It has reminded us of so many things personally, culturally, and even as a church. At least I hope that we have learned and grown in this season.

I believe God allows these things to happen to help us see and understand as we have never before. I believe this season is one that could or should change the face of the planet. It should be as large of an impact as the Great Depression was on that generation.

What lessons can the Church learn?

Lesson #1

One very important one I hope the Body of Christ- His Church has learned is that Sunday service is not THE church but an activity of the church. God’s Church is SO MUCH more than one event a week. Jesus wants His Church to engage with their family, workplace, community, and beyond more than in a building for two hours a week.

Simply, The Church is not a Sunday service but an activity of the Church.

Lesson #2

While the Church has services and it is Biblical, we can and should make our faith deeper than one event. I hope and pray, that people have reinforced their faith in their own prayer closets. I believe, people can GROW deeper in the pressure of this moment. While it is different, it has forced us to look inwardly regarding our faith.

How am I doing? What should I do? Where is my weakness? How do I make myself grow today or even survive today? What does worship look like with JUST me?

Our faith is not depended on a good service, it is deepened on our own commitment, effort, and spiritual disciplines.

Lesson #3

I have heard many say they cannot wait until we gather again. I have seen others comment they will never take coming to church granted. I hope all of these and the other are true and will prove to be so in the coming weeks, months and years.

A statistic I have seen over the last few years is how those who consider themselves faithful to attend church have changed the definition of that word. Pastors have shifted the frequency of church activities to meet the willingness of “faithful” attendees to attend. A little over 20 years ago the definition stated to be faithful one believed they needed to be in church services and activities at least 3 times a week. This is not as odd as some might think. In other cultures in America and other nations, we see this still true. The Hispanic culture would fit this even inside the United States. We see growth both in number and in spiritual maturity.

A few years ago that definition was proven to have changed. In a survey of church attendees it was stated that if someone attends 3 times a MONTH they were faithful. That means we went from 12 times a month to 3 times a month in around 20 years. That is a 75% drop.

What’s the point?

Hopefully, we as the church attendees will see the need in being engaged in our church in a new way. If we only see Sunday AM important we will have missed the point. The church being connected, engaged, and united in both spiritual matters and life matters is essential to your health and success in your faith. It is not the song service or worship service. It is not the live preaching of the Word. It is the untied of the Body.

You cannot reach unity as the Body of Christ in one or two hours, 3 times a month. Unity in the Body is deeper than an event, it is living life together.

What lessons do you think we will learn? What lessons do you hope we will learn?

Let us pray and let us speak life deeper than and event or a pandemic. His Church is worth investing it… I hope we learn that in this moment.

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