Audience of ONE


One HUGE silver lining in this crisis that I want to share with you. One KEY point is the ONE and only thing that is important. 

Every ministry leader, especially those who gather in front of others is struggling. We can easily point to the preachers who feed off the ‘amen’ of his faithful members. However, the worship leader is no longer singing to a group raising their hands and trying to sing along. The children’s ministry teacher cannot see the smiling faces she is trying to help guide their young faith. The small group leader or Bible study teacher cannot see and interact with their group or class as they could. The reality, the ministry is about people. We want to care and help people, at least I hope that is the case.

Many years ago I was a youth pastor in Knoxville. I was the first youth pastor of that church and we started with about five faithful youth. The Lord amazed me in that period of ministry. Within about a year we began a youth praise team and a drama team. The amazing part was it was their idea and their drive. The situation was they were all so nervous and many of them very raw in their gifts and talents. They had never done this before and they did not have a team to follow to learn from other than our adult team. They were pioneers in many ways for that church. I was so proud of their passion to step out. Yet those nerves and lack of confidence was difficult to overcome. I wish I could give credit to who started it, but someone began to recite something we had heard before but this time it changed their focus. The statement was the reminder “We worship for an audience of ONE.” 

The first week we as churches were moved from full buildings of people to a small little group recording and streaming a live service to empty chairs, I was reminded of that time. I remember the power that it gave to that youth group. So I stood before my team that Sunday morning and reminded them of that lesson. I do not know if it helped them or not but it assured me. 

We all seek those we are ministering to engage and respond in a way that makes us feel we are doing what we are suppose to do.. and that it is working. There is nothing wrong with that hope. We should want to do what we are gifted and called to do in a way that people respond to the call of Christ and the moving of the Holy Spirit. Yet, if we are not careful, we get more focused on them. I cannot tell of the number of times with different leaders we have discussed frustrations of the church or the class not engaging in what we are trying to lead. I have heard those frustrations and I have felt those. 

That Sunday, I was reminded it is all about an Audience of One. Did I please the Father today? Was I obedient to what He has placed in me? Did we worship Him in a way that pleased Him? Yes, I still want people to engage- it is my anthem it seems. However, I was given great peace that day. That may be my frustration (and others) was at times because we had forgotten who we are seeking to please. 

Those that know me have grown weary of me saying it but I am reminded again- It is not about me. I love you, but it is not about you. It is ALL about JESUS. Take courage today leader, pastor, teacher, and whatever role you fill. You may be serving in a way that you see a camera and a screen but you are still doing what He has gifted you and called you to do FOR HIM. It is about pleasing an audience of One. 

I am grateful for that simple reminder and I hope it will give you a little peace amid this shift in ministry. We want to touch people for Jesus, but there is only ONE we are to please. Let us focus on that audience and the rest will work out in the end. 

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