Slow to Replace


In leadership, we often have vacancies in positions. Somebody steps away from their ministry or their role and you are left with a hole to fill. We need people to fill voids and we need roles to be done. It does not matter if they are paid or volunteer, you are not incomplete. Your church or organization feels something is missing. All eyes are on you as the leader to make an appointment or hire someone to fill those shoes. You need them, they obviously had them for a reason, or let’s hope so. All this adds to internal pressure and external pressure. So hurry up and make that appoitment right? Put everything on hold until you answer the quiestion who will fill this void, right?

This is not what Timothy was given as great advice by his spiritual father in 1 Timothy 5. In verse 22 Paul tells him to be slow or to not be in a hurry to make a decision on a church leader. 

Never be in a hurry about appointing a church leader. Do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22 NLT

I am full aware that many other translations state “Do not lay hands on anyone hastily”. This is the same meaning however. Laying hands on one was the way in which leaders were released to do their responsibilities. Think of it as how we in many circles anoint a leader today or a deacon is prayed over before they assume their role.

The point is simple and clear, we must not be quick to make a decision, especially in the case of replacing a leader or an employee. As one said one time “You only get the chance to hire them one time.” If you do this wrong, you will spend the rest of your time trying to figure out how to either fire them or transition them to a place they would serve best. In fact sometimes by watching and having to spend a little extra time in the area this leader was working, you will learn more about what is needed and the type of person needed to move it forward. Do not look for someone to just take the job, rather find someone who can take the positoin to the next step and place it needs to go. This takes time!

This is why we must be slow to process not what would fill the gap, but what is best for the position that is vacant, the organization/church, you as their leader and even that person. You will save everyone a lot of grieve if we would listen to Paul’s words to Timothy.

So pause, do not get in a hurry in these moments. Pray, think, and pray some more before you make these decisions.

This is great advice in the middle of fast all around us. 

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