

Life is crazy. Life is full of unexpected inconveniences. Just today my first two calls got me on a multiple hour sidetrack created multiple emotions and stresses. I kept a prayer in my heart, a few times to stop and say, Lord you have it, I trust you. However, it still was not smooth. Life is rarely smooth. In fact, we write and complain more about it being un-smooth. Like we expect it to be.. maybe there lies a deeper issue. Maybe we will look at that at a later time.

Stopping for a few minutes of the simple of the loud noise of this all, I began to read the Bible. Not a bad place to go huh? Well, I had not really spent the time I needed to before my phone started going on this morning. One simple verse stood out to me.

“Meanwhile, the word of God continued to spread, and there were many new believers.” Acts 12:24

What is interesting is the chapter this verse is contained in consists of the following: James being killed, Peter being imprisoned, Peter’s miraculous release, and the death of Herod Agrippa. Nothing normal or smooth at all. Disappointment, mourning, sadness, concern, joy, celebration, amazement, and awe are just some of the emotions and thoughts they must have had in those days. Yet the scripture says MEANWHILE

Meanwhile, in the midst of chaos, fear, doubts, joys, and celebration the purpose of God was continuing. I want to encourage you today. Meanwhile, in the midst of your life, God is still working. Those things did not detour God or His plan. God’s plan, purpose, and heart rest in the simple element of what continued. Life may not continue. Freedom may not. Peace may not.. but in all these things, God’s Word continued to spread. God’s Word continued to save souls from hell. Meanwhile….

Meanwhile speaks to me to not get lost in today, but remember meanwhile God is still working. God still has a bigger plan than my problem or celebration. He does not get lost in it and neither should I. So remember, meanwhile God is still God. Look up, see God is continuing the spread of His Word. 


If in these moments of chaos and doubt we wonder what God’s will is, what God wants… look at this verse. God has one plan and one purpose for all things. “The Word of God Continued to spread (why) and there where many new believers.” It really is that simple. 

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